Welcome to ProCorner

Salt Lake Bard's Pro Corner provides resources for songwriters, bands, promoters, venue operators, audio production professionals and anyone else professionally involved or getting involved in the local music industry. ProCorner resources include:

  • Music Industry Directory, with area venue booking contacts, management, production services, band/artist contacts and more;
  • Music Industry Map, showing locations for venues and other public-facing locations, as well as product manufacturers, production companies and more
  • Educational Posts, with tips and guidance from guest authors on all sorts of industry topics
  • Networking and Educational Event listings and calendars
Do you have Music News to Share?

Send us artists/band news updates and we'll do our best to report on it. Music releases, record deals, upcoming shows and more...we want to know. Email us at musicnews-at-slbard.com.

Stay Tuned

ProCorner is under development and we anticipate launching later this Spring 2021. Contact us and let us know if you would like to contribute, or if you would like to be notified when we launch.

Greater Salt Lake Music Scene Map

The map includes the physical location of bars, restaurants, concert venues, event centers, and coffee shops that offer live music—from Ogden to Provo. The map also includes music retailers, music lessons, pawn shops, production studios and more music scene locations.